Switch off - literally! Forest bathing in the beautiful Black Forest works especially well. In this day and age, a lot revolves around the job and performing at the best of one's ability. Numerous information channels such as smartphones and laptops flood us with news. Now is the time to switch off. Switch off your mobile phone and laptop and take time just for you. Forest bathing in the Black Forest allows you to ground yourself and recharge your batteries.
To help you find peace again and consciously perceive nature as a place of life and tranquillity, we offer forest bathing coaching and courses under professional guidance. Curious?
What is forest bathing and where does it come from? It came to us from Japan as a health and wellness trend and has its origins there in science. In the Far East, "Shinrin Yoku" literally means bathing in the forest air. Scientific studies have investigated the effects of nature on the human body - following this, forest bathing was finally available on prescription in Japan. The origin of forest bathing therefore has a therapeutic approach, because the Japanese have often lived and suffered very much under stress. That sounds familiar, doesn't it? The wonderful thing is that forest bathing counteracts this and has many positive effects on body, mind and soul.
The forest as therapy: Instead of using pharmaceutical products for problems of a health nature, it is often enough to resort to the simple things in life. This is how you really help yourself sustainably. A conscious forest bath in the Black Forest is a very good way to do this. If you let the soothing connection to nature affect your own soul and ask yourself once what a gift the forest is, you will learn to appreciate it.
Everyday ballast disappears as if by itself and you immerse yourself completely in the forest atmosphere. You will notice how beneficial it is to bring your own thought carousel to a standstill. At the same time, you will learn to look at the bigger picture in your own life - after all, you often can't see the forest for the trees...
What can a forest bath do for my body? For some time now, biologists, doctors, psychologists and researchers have been studying this topic and have come to the conclusion, among other things, that a walk in the woods causes the release of adrenaline to decrease, blood pressure and heart rate to drop and thus stress levels to be reduced. According to a study by Professor Gin Li, who works for the Nippon Medical School in Tokyo, a day in the forest has been shown to increase defence cells.
Forest bathing can even prevent burnout, as the oxygen, essential oils and tranquillity are good for our body and mind. In the forest it is easier for us to think clearly and to be grateful for many things that are given to us every day. We experience a deceleration that we cannot experience anywhere else.
So that you can apply and experience forest bathing properly, there are now Wellnesshotels im Schwarzwald and also throughout Germany that offer professional guidance and accompaniment for this. Our Waldhotel at the Notschreipass is surrounded by a wide variety of beautiful forests and meadows.. Experience the power of the Black Forest and enquire about your personal coaching in nature.
The idea of offering forest bathing as a relaxation programme in our hotel is obvious: your Wellnessurlaub im Schwarzwald spend with us automatically with a direct connection to nature. The name of our hotel says it all: with just a few steps you can reach the forest and enjoy nature. Complementing a relaxing break with the option of forest bathing is ideal for switching off and gathering fresh strength.Stroll through the Black Forest on our doorstep and listen to nature. Ground yourself and get to know yourself in a whole new way.
Treat yourself to this time out: We have created special arrangements for you so that you can fully enjoy forest bathing in our Black Forest and internalise nature.