for the Waldhotel at the Notschreipass


Same Services at a Lower Price

Check here without obligation the availability in our Dependance ***S-Naturparkhotel Grüner Baum.

  • Prices are approx. 25% below the prices of the Waldhotel
  • all advantages of the Waldhotel included like the new NaturSpa, the AktivCard and the WohlFit program
  • excellent comparative Naturparkwirt cuisine
  • cozy modern country style rooms

We are pleased that you are interested in staying in our house and we will be pleased to make you an offer. Just fill out the following form and send us your request. We will contact you within the next 24 hours. (If you want a faster response, you can also book directly here online or call us at 0049-7602-94200).